Wednesday, April 14, 2010

We're making progress now!

All sectors of Tampa Bay real estate (non-commercial) have shown dramatic increases in sales volume. Inland, both Single Family Home and Condo sales increased anywhere from 3 - 5 percentage points compared to last month.

The beach, which has been practically on life support, DOUBLED in sales volume!

Are we out of the woods - hardly. Is the forest "thinning"? Seems to be.

Below are the numbers for March for the TB area:


TAMPA BAY AREA (tri-county) Homes Condos Total Units

Total Units Available: 17,931 8,948 26,879

Total Units Pending: 3,728 1393 5,121

Total Units Sold: 2,263 916 3,179

Absorption rate: 12.62% 10.24% 11.83%

Avg Days on Market 93 days 107 days 97 days

Months of Inventory 7.9 mons9.8 mons 8.5 mons

Sold vs List Price % 93% 93% 93%

Sold vs Original List Price % 75% 86% 77%

PINELLAS COUNTY Homes Condos Total Units

Total Units Available: 6,483 5,489 11,972

Total Units Pending: 1213 696 1909

Total Units Sold: 763 503 1266

Absorption rate: 11.77% 9.16% 10.57%

Avg Days on Market 80 days 102 days 89 days

Months of Inventory 8.5 mons 10.9 mons 9.5 mons

Sold vs List Price % 91% 93% 92%

Sold vs Original List Price % 78% 87% 82%

N. BEACHES (476-478, 370-375) Homes Condos Total Units

Total Units Available: 600 1428 2,028

Total Units Pending: 69 136 205

Total Units Sold: 37 104 141

Absorption rate: 6.17% 7.28% 6.95%

Avg Days on Market 95 days 87 days 89 days

Months of Inventory 16.2 mons 13.7 mons 14.4 mons

Sold vs List Price % 85% 93% 91%

Sold vs Original List Price % 76% 89% 85%

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