Monday, February 26, 2007

To Tax or not to Tax...that is the question (for Florida residents)...

The new proposal being put forth by Florida legislators will effectively ERADICATE the property tax while raising the state sales tax. On the surface, it's a great idea. However, there will be ramifications that need to be considered.

First let me say that I support any legilation that will decrease the burden of every homeowner while not short-changing the residents of Florida. I have a $4900 tax - it has become extremely burdensome and has made me consider down-sizing and, possibly, renting. Before I pay my mortgage, I will spend $667 EVERY MONTH for insurance and taxes alone!

I will leave the number-crunching to the CPA's in Tallahassee. I will, however, offer this nugget - I have no problem paying 50%, 33%, or 25% of my current tax bill. I should pay taxes based on the size and value of my home. Conversely, I would prefer to see only a 50%, 66% or 75% raise of the proposed 3% increase to our state's sales tax. I do not believe the decision to revamp our state tax system should be so exetreme as to totally eliminate 1 form of taxation for another form.

Let's take emotion out of the decision, explore ALL of the cause-and-effect relationships, and make a sound decision for the resident's of this great state that will praised 10 years from now.

My $.02...

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