Monday, February 19, 2007

A pebble tossed into a pond creates ripples that, although not felt immediately, will in time reach it's intended point...

I have just personally seen that simple thought demonstrated in real life, as it pertains to the Insurance Crisis in Florida!

Barbara (the innocent shall be protected) works as an Office Manager. Last December, she was informed by Liberty Mutual, her insurance company OF 20 YEARS that her and her husband's policy on a non-waterfront, single family ranch home was being "non-renewed" jargon for C-A-N-C-E-L-E-D. Keep in mind she has NEVER made a claim on her insurance - they have faithfully paid their ever-expanding insurance premiums dutifully and without complaint.

Then, the letter of non-renewal arrived. Barbara went into a freefall as she desperately contacted insurance agents and companies across Florida, all with the same result: Citizens coverage ONLY. With no hope of getting a private carrier, Barbara and her husband resigned themselves to try their best to pay the high premiums Citizens requires. Adding insult to injury is that their coverage with Citizens was LESS than Liberty but cost MORE! On January 30th, Barbara and her family's home insurance policy through Liberty Mutual was canceled.

This morning (2/19), Barbara received a phone call from her Liberty Mutual insurance agent. Lo and behold, Barbara's policy WOULD be renewed by Liberty Mutual. The reason: CS/CS/SB 1980. That's the bill signed into law on January 30th by Governor Charlie Crist, on the exact day Barbara was non-renewed! In fact, her agent said, that was the ONLY reason she was being given a second chance - anyone who's policy was non-renewed on January 29th or earlier was simply out of luck.

Although the ripple from the pebble took awhile to arrive, help is on the way - have patience and faith!

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