July’s sales data is very similar to June’s…here are some highlights:
- Across all segments, SFH sales are doing much better than condo sales.
- Roughly 6.20% of all homes for sale in the tri-county Tampa Bay area sold in July. Simply put, it’s appr 6 out of every 100 properties.
- Beach home sales rebounded from their low sales in June to “regular” sales volume in July.
- Beach condos are selling (on average) at 79% of original list price!
TAMPA BAY AREA (tri-county) Homes Condos Total Units
Total Units Available: 26,748 11,918 38,666
Total Units Pending: 2,285 619 2,904
Total Units Sold: 1,885 513 2,398
Absorption rate: 7.05% 4.30% 6.20%
Avg Days on Market 99 days 125 days 104 days
Months of Inventory 14.2 mons 23.2 mons 16.1 mons
Sold vs List Price % 94% 93% 93%
Sold vs Original List Price % 86% 84% 85%
PINELLAS COUNTY Homes Condos Total Units
Total Units Available: 9,163 6,864 16,027
Total Units Pending: 683 328 1,011
Total Units Sold: 574 280 854
Absorption rate: 6.26% 4.08% 5.33%
Avg Days on Market 96 days 143 days 111 days
Months of Inventory 16.0 mons 24.5 mons 18.8 mons
Sold vs List Price % 92% 92% 92%
Sold vs Original List Price % 85% 82% 84%
N. BEACHES (476-478, 374, 375) Homes Condos Total Units
Total Units Available: 246 920 1,166
Total Units Pending: 12 38 50
Total Units Sold: 14 37 51
Absorption rate: 5.69% 4.02% 4.37%
Avg Days on Market 98 days 180 days 158 days
Months of Inventory 17.6 mons 24.9 mons 22.9 mons
Sold vs List Price % 90% 91% 91%
Sold vs Original List Price % 86% 79% 82%