Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Insurance blues got you down????

Here's a tip...and let your Florida neighbors know:

L & S Insurance in Delray Beach represents a growing number of SMALL, "A"-rated insurers making their way back into the low-risk Florida property insurance market.

Here's their website: www.LandSins.com

or you can call Maria at 888.244.7400 and request a free quote.

Good luck and happy hunting!

Rich C.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

What happened to all the negative Real Estate stories that were being published/aired day-in and day-out in recent months???

Has the media given up on the fear-mongering and decided the real estate market "horror story" just doesn't rate the front page anymore?

Have you noticed more and more cars slowing down to look at homes for sale?

The answer to all these questions are: "who knows", "YES!", and "ABSOLUTELY!"

The BUYERS ARE BACK - with their low offers. Nevertheless, the market has recognized the bottom and that is why my phone has been ringing off the hook! Although buyers are submitting lower-than-preferred offers (I wrote 2 on my own listings alone), they are only doing what comes naturally - looking for all those well-publicized "deals" we keep hearing about.

According to Ken Harney in a special article to the Times, NAR research indicates actual home prices in the Tampa/St. Pete actually INCREASED 9.6% from 3Q '05 to 3Q '06!

What does that tell me??? Keep my cell phone batteries fully charged - 1Q & 2Q of 2007 should be busy!!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Good news...

Our Real Estate data is indicating a CAUTIOUSLY optimistic forecast for 2007. We believe many sellers now understand that most of the gains realized in the last 18 months have been erased, essentially resetting our prices to 1st/2nd quarter of 2005. I am of the personal belief that demand for waterfront condos is extremely sensitive to supply/demand issues – much more so than single family homes. There are simply too many condos available for sale at the moment (both existing and precon) and that reason is preventing the market from stabilizing sooner. Couple that with the “down market” that is mentioned every other day in the St. Pete Times, ridiculous insurance costs, large tax bills, and you have a depressed market.

Indications up to now point to a busy 2007. The insurance issues appear to have a solution on the horizon and buyers have come to terms with property taxes. Personally, my phone has been ringing off the hook and I have written 2 offers on my own listings. This comes after months of little or no interest.

I believe buyers are realizing we are about at the bottom of the market reduction and demand forces are moving us back into a positive direction.